1- On Decidability of Inductive Logic, (with Jurgen Landes and Jon Williamson), Journal of Symbolic Logic, under review
2- Determining maximal entropy functions for objective Bayesian inductive logic, (with Jurgen Landes and Jon Williamson), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2022, to appear
3- Probabilistic Entailment on First Order Languages , Review of Symbolic Logic, 2022, to appear
4- Tracking Probabilistic Truths: a logic for statistical knowledge (with Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets), Synthese, 199: 9041–9087, 2021
5- Probabilities with Gaps and Gluts (with Dominik Klein and Ondrej Mayer), Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50: 1107–1141, 2021
6-Deliberation, Single-Peakedness, and Coherent Aggregation (with Olivier Roy), American Political Science Review, 115(2): 629-648, 2021
7- Probabilistic Characterization of Models of First Order Theories, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172(1), 2021
8- Towards Limit Entropy Conjecture (with Jurgen Landes and Jon Williamson), Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 172(2), 2021
9- Learning From Conditionals (with Ben Eva and Stephan Hartmann), Mind, 129(514), 461-508, 2020
10- Learning Probabilities: Towards a Logic of Statistical Learning (with Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets) Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, EPTCS 297, 35-49, 2019
11- A Complete Axiomatisation of Logic of Lattice Effect Algebras (with Amirhossein Sharafi and Sonja Smets), Int. J. of Theoretical Physics, online first 2019
12- Anchoring in Deliberation (with Stephan Hartmann), Erkenntnis, 2019.
13- Maximum Entropy Models of $\Sigma_1$ Sentences, J. Applied Logic, 5(1): 287-300, 2018
14- A Logical Analysis of Quantum Voting Protocols (with Sonja Smets and Elaheh Shirinkalam), Int. J. of Theoretical Physics, 56(12): 3991-4003, 2017.
15- Categorical Equivalence Between Orthomodular Algebras and Orthomodular Lattices (with Joshua Sacks, Kohei Kishida and Shengyang Zhong), Int. J. of Theoretical Physics, 56(12): 4060-4072, 2017.
16- Equivocation Axiom for First Order Languages, Studia Logica, 105(1): 121-152, 2017.
17- Voting, Deliberation and Truth (with Stephan Hartmann), Synthese, (2016). DOI:10.1007/s11229-016-1268-9
18- A Note on the Least Informative Model of a Theory (with Jeff Paris), in Programs, Proofs, Processes, CiE 2010, Springer LNCS 6158: 342-351, 2010.
19-Inference Processes for Quantified Predicate Knowledge (with Jeff Paris), in Logic, Language, Information and Computation, WoLLIC, Edinburgh, Springer LNAI, 5110: 249-259, 2009.
Path dependence in Deliberation over Preference Rankings (with Olivier Roy),
Rational Deliberation: Balancing the Positive and the Negative (with Olivier Roy)
Logic of Rational Deliberation
From Qualitative Probabilities to Full Belief (with Alexandru Baltag)
A Categorical Analysis of Probabilistic Models and Their Bisimulations
Inference Process for First Order Probabilistic Languages - University of Manchester pdf
Four Essays in Mathematical Philosophy - Tilburg University pdf